Month: Marzec 2017
Dzień Matematyki w Radzyniu Podlaskim z Politechniką Lubelską
Dziękujemy za wspólne świętowanie Dnia Matematyki w Zespole Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych w Radzyniu Podlaskim
exp(x) = sin(x)
Some function
gives us interesting properties:
- on the left side (x<0) we have and having infinitely many zeros
- on the right side (x>0) we have and growing exponentially
However, there is POI about zeros of this function:
Since when x is small, we have approximation of first root as an solution of
where is Lambert-W function.
The same way we have approximation of second root as an solution of
We know that as there is , although we don’t know the exact solution yet..